Personalised medicine for the masses

ID Health is developing unique manufacturing technology to revolutionise the delivery of personalised medicines at scale. 

Our Team

Carlo Buckley

Founder & CEO

Henry Waddington


David Kirby

Commercial Director

Imagine a world where each individual is put at the centre of care

Gone are the days of receiving medication in separate pills at generic doses. Instead everyone receives their medication at doses that are specific to them and in a format that has proven to increase adherence - the single capsule.

Over 6.5 million people in the UK take five or more medications per day. Only 50% of people are taking their medication as prescribed after six months. The NHS alone wastes £300m of medication each year.

ID Health is developing break through technology to cost effectively manufacture variable dose multi-drug treatments in a single pill solution. ID Health will deliver it's solution through NHS and Private healthcare partners to revolutionise the delivery of care in the UK and beyond.

Our initial NHS focus is on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD), with over 7 million sufferers in the UK and directly costing the NHS £9bn per year and growing. Almost all of these patients are on a multi-pill regime taking up to 8 tablets a day. It is estimated that over 9% of all cardiac events are due to medication non-adherence.

Welcome to the New World.

Increase Medication Adherence

Reduce Side Effects

Improve Health Outcomes

Reduce Health Inequalities & save money

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